
Policy Resolutions

These resolutions, approved by the ϸ¹·ÊÓƵ Policy Development Committee and the Board of Directors, broadly describe ϸ¹·ÊÓƵ's major policy objectives.

Helping community banks flourish

The resolutions are designed to provide policy guidance for ϸ¹·ÊÓƵ officers and staff and general policy direction for ϸ¹·ÊÓƵ standing committees, the Federal Delegate Board, councils, and task forces. 

These resolutions reflect ϸ¹·ÊÓƵ's core principles: Community banks support fair competition in financial services; support the separation of banking and commerce; believe in a balanced financial system that does not favor any segment of the financial services sector; support the dual banking system; and oppose the concentration of economic and financial services resources.